The first round of grants has been awarded by the Indiana Commission for High Education, but local organizations will have another opportunity to apply for funds.
34 schools and community organizations serving students enrolled in the Evan Bayh 21st Century Scholars program received grant funds this year. Eight regions of the state are granted awards to several community groups to aid students in the form of needs-based scholarships. Those scholarships provide up to four years of full tuition scholarships.
There were no schools or organizations in the immediate area that were awarded a grant through the program. A second round of applications is available, however, for those interested in obtaining funds.
According to a press release, nearly $450-thousand is available for the 2016/17 school year.
Funding awarded will be based on the number of students enrolled who complete all 12 Scholar Success Program activities by high school graduation.
A link to application information can be found with this story on our website.