Knox Police Department Prepares for K-9 Addition


 The new patrol vehicle for the Knox Police Department’s K-9 officer has been delivered. Police Chief Harold Smith told the Board of Works yesterday the kennel has been installed in the Chevrolet Tahoe. It’s currently in Plymouth getting emergency lights and a radio installed and will be on the road by Sept. 1st.

That’s when Smith and K-9 Officer Chad Dulin are heading to Von Liche Kennels in Denver, Ind. to pick up the city’s dog.

Dulin and the animal will start six weeks of training there on Sept. 12th to become certified in drug detection and search and rescue operations.

The Knox Police Department raised money to pay for the dog and training. The Knox City Council and Redevelopment Commission split the cost of the vehicle. City officials previously noted the purchase will extend the replacement cycle for patrol cars by putting Dulin’s late model Dodge Charger back into the department’s fleet rotation.