Motorists traveling between Medaryville and Francesville on U.S. 421 will need to find another route for the next few days. INDOT has shut down the highway between State Roads 14 and 114 for chip sealing. It’s scheduled to reopen Wednesday, weather permitting.
State road detours must be along state-maintained roadways. Drivers heading north on U.S. 421 will be detoured west on 114, north on U.S. 231 and east onto 14 to get back to 421. Southbound motorists will take 14 west to 231 South to 114 east to get back to 421.
INDOT officials say chip sealing extends the life of a roadway by protecting it from moisture, ultraviolet degradation and other damaging exposures. It also reestablishes surface friction, which makes the pavement safer for the motoring public.
Drivers in Northwest Indiana can monitor road closures, road conditions, and traffic alerts at any time via the District’s social media channels: or Twitter @INDOTNorthwest. Or visit for INDOT’s TrafficWise Traveler Information Service.