The payoff for the 4th annual WKVI Morning Show Knox v. North Judson-San Pierre football bet continues this weekend with an event for the entire community. News Director Mary Perren is a N.J.-S.P. graduate, and Sports Director Nathan Welter is a Knox alum. Each year they make a friendly wager on the outcome of the longstanding county rivalry. Nathan won this year’s bet when Knox shut N.J.-S.P. out a few weeks ago at Liberty Field by a score of 39-0. Mary’s payoff started last Saturday at Fort Knox Paintball with a firing squad courtesy of four Knox Redskin varsity football players.
This weekend’s settlement will be less painful and will benefit a local nonprofit organization. Mary and Nathan are hosting a one-hour food drive tomorrow from 10:30 until 11:30 a.m. at Five Star in the Knox Mall. You won’t be able to miss Mary, as she will be clad in Knox clothing. Donations of nonperishable food and cash will be given to the Community Services of Starke County Food Pantry next week. Last year a similar event at Heartland Market in North Judson was extremely successful.
Mary also owes the Knox High School Athletic Department a $25 contribution and still has to buy Nathan lunch to finish settling the bet.
Past punishments have included a 2014 ice bucket challenge and a 2015 glitter dump, both of which were inflicted on Nathan.