Starke County Community Foundation Hosting #GivingTuesday Open House

giving-tuesday-logoGet into the spirit of the holiday season by observing Giving Tuesday today. The movement to encourage thoughtful, charitable giving to start the Christmas season is in its fifth year.

The Starke County Community Foundation is hosting an open house at its new location in the former North Judson-San Pierre Middle School today from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. SCCF is leasing the office from the school corporation.

Visitors can learn about how Starke County charitable organizations have been affected by dollars given to the SCCF over the past 20 years. Every contribution is endowed, which means funds donated on Giving Tuesday, and the other 364 days of the year, will still be there in 100 years to address local charitable needs.

Using the hashtag #GivingTuesday on social media helps to raise awareness of the movement. Donations of time, resources and talents to address local needs can also make a big difference.

Visit for more information.