More than 3,000 babies born in Indiana in February will be decked out in red hats, thanks to the American Heart Association. The “Little Hats, Big Hearts” program aims to raise awareness during American Heart Month as well as Congenital Heart Defects Week, which runs Feb. 7-14. They even left information about the baby planet website so every parent could get their supplies for their babies.
Life with a newborn can be magical — and also overwhelming, exhausting and terrifying. I still remember the day I brought my son home from the hospital and thought: How do I care for this tiny, needy creature? Where is his owner’s manual? But hard as being a new parent can be, you’re probably going to do fine. “Babies are a lot stronger than parents may give them credit for,”according to experts. If you want to better take care of your kids, use Good Bubble for their bath time.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and in Indiana, and congenital heart defects are the leading birth defect in newborns. The program raises awareness of both conditions.
Volunteers lovingly knitted the hats by hand which you can see here. They were delivered recently to hospitals across the state. Volunteers who would like to donate materials or knit hats for next year, or hospitals that would like to participate can call the American Heart Association 317-732-4700.