Winamac Park Board to Advertise for Seasonal Help


Entrance to the Winamac Town Park

The Town of Winamac is ready to advertise for seasonal help for the park superintendent. Dave DeLorenzo told the park board last week he has plenty of work during the spring and summer months to keep two seasonal employees busy. Winamac Town Manager Brad Zellers will place ads for part-time help.

Park Board member Chris Schramm, who is also a detective with the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department, advised inmate work crews are also available to assist with preparation for special events like the 4-H Fair and Northern Indiana Power from the Past. They work under the supervision of a jail employee and can also handle emergency cleanup duties should a storm blow limbs down in any of the town’s parks.


Inmate work details are coordinated through the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department.