Pulaski County Human Services is looking for a boost in county funding.
Executive Director Jacki Frain told the county commissioners Monday the organization usually gets between $45,000 and $60,000 a year in county funding. But this year, that amount has dropped to $30,000. “So roughly, the county provides, normally, about 10 percent of our budget and then 50 percent comes from our other grants and then the other 40 percent, we raise,” she explained. She said the reduction in county funding has led to cash flow issues, as the organization waits for its regular reimbursement for transportation services.
Now, Frain is asking the county to add that $15,000 back into Pulaski County Human Services’ operating budget. “I ask you to keep in mind the people we’re serving and the services in 40-some years of doing this in the community,” she said. “We’re an institution without a taxable base.” The commissioners voted Monday to support that request for additional funding.
At the same time, Pulaski County Human Services is also planning a vehicle purchase this year, at a cost of nearly $35,500. Frain explained that 20 percent of that money has to be raised locally, while the rest will be covered by grant funds. She said the county has chipped in that local match for past vehicle purchases, and she hopes it will again for this one.
The funding requests will go to the Pulaski County Council for consideration.