The Town of Winamac is considering potential projects to undertake as part of the Love Your Community placemaking program. It offers local communities up to $10,000 in funding from the Community Foundation of Pulaski County.
Two projects centering around the Panhandle Pathway were discussed by the town council and park board Monday. One suggestion the town received was to extend the trail north to Tippecanoe River State Park.
Meanwhile, Council President Tommy Murray spoke in favor of adding a restroom near the trail. “What we discussed a little bit was where the old Long Branch used to be, that property the town owns now, like a restroom put in there on each side with a cover in the center with a water fountain and stuff there,” he said. “When they come in there and they start and events and stuff, they have no restroom facilities for them to use, and that would be a could place for restroom facilities, is what we were thinking.”
But town officials were unsure of whether the projects would qualify for the Love Your Community program. For one thing, the program excludes infrastructure.
Additionally, the placemaking initiative is designed to jump start new activity in public spaces. Some town officials argued Monday that new restrooms could do that. They said not only would they encourage people to use the trail to visit Downtown Winamac, but they would also promote the area’s use as a gathering space. It’s already the site of the local farmers’ market during the summer.
Council members plan to gather more information before choosing a project during their next meeting. Each community is required to have a general idea in place by May 26.