Eastern Pulaski School Board Approves Several Projects, Waits on Locker Rooms

The Eastern Pulaski School Board approved several projects last night but decided not to proceed with building new football locker rooms. Superintendent Dan Foster says construction would cost an estimated $8,000, but utilities would add significantly more to that price tag. He says they would probably have to add a mini-lift station to the site in order to accommodate the restrooms. No cost was offered for that, but board members generally agreed they didn’t want to spend that much money at this time.

Board member Terri Johnston did ask for development of a long-range plan to accommodate growing programs. She notes the existing weigh room is beyond capacity right now.

The board did not take formal action on locker room renovation proposals, but members made it clear that’s the approach they favor.

The Eastern Pulaski School Board did approve several other projects, though. They include replacing the carpet in four kindergarten classrooms that were not part of the elementary school overhaul; replacing the roll-up door in the auditorium, adding a storage facility and painting some additional areas.

Funds left over from the corporation’s extensive building renovation project will be used to complete the work.

Board members also want to ensure there’s enough money left to repave the 11 acres of parking lots on the campus next year. That project is on hold after the corporation only got one bid to do the work this summer.