The North Judson Town Council on Saturday hurriedly passed a resolution to prohibit small cell phone towers from cropping up within their rights of way. It establishes an underground and buried utility district to restrict the addition of any sort of new pole insidethe town limits without council permission. A petition must be brought before the town council, and a public hearing is required.
The emergency meeting to adopt the ordinance was called in response to Senate Enrolled Act 213. The bill passed late in the legislative session allows for the placement of small cell towers in a municipal right-of-way unless a city or town passes a resolution prohibiting the practice by May 1st. Gov. Eric Holcomb has yet to sign the measure. Unless he vetoes it, the bill will become law Thursday, even if he doesn’t sign it. North Judson’s resolution will only take effect should the bill pass.
The Culver Town Council took similar action during a special-called Friday meeting. The Monterey and Winamac Town Councils also met Saturday morning to address the matter.