North Judson Council Approves Water and Sewer Rate Hikes

North Judson Council President Wendy Hoppe; Police Officer Frank Thomas; Council Members Josh Brown, John Rowe, Jane Ellen Felchuk, James Young; Town Attorney Justin Schramm, Clerk-Treasurer Alicia Collins

Water and sewer rate hikes were approved by the North Judson Town Council Monday. The average sewer bill will go up 25 percent or just over nine dollars, according to accounting firm Umbaugh and Associates. Water bills will increase by 30 percent or $4.60, on average. The last time North Judson increased its rates was in 2008.

The rate hike is designed to bring the town’s cash balances up to recommended levels, keep up with increasing costs, and allow the town to make various capital improvements. Council President Wendy Hoppe added that the town will eventually have to pay for some state-mandated updates to its wastewater system. “It’s a thing that we are under the gun with IDEM,” she explained. “And as long as we’re progressing with them, we’re not paying fines at this time, but we have to get our stuff all lined up for IDEM with the state.”

Hoppe expressed some regret that rate increases haven’t been made gradually. “It should have been that we would’ve raised this one percent or two percent every year and we wouldn’t have to do this at this time,” she said. “And it would make it easier for everybody if it was two dollars instead of now, you know, more.” From now on, the town council plans to have a rate study completed every three to five years, to avoid falling behind again.

The town council unanimously approved the updated water and sewer rate ordinances on second and third reading Monday. The new rates are expected to take effect later this summer.