West Central School Board Approves Personnel Changes, Hires Coaches

The West Central School Board last week announced the resignation of two employees. Cheryl Bechinski left her job in the cafeteria, and Susan Jungels stepped down as a bus driver.

Stephanie Thilges resigned from her duties as sponsor for the Sunshine Society.

Cooperative School Services employees Toni Weltmeyer and Sarah Pfiefer tendered their resignations, too. The board hired Amanda DeVries and Cindy McDonald to fill those positions.

Board members also noted one employee will be changing roles. Kasey Lowry will now fill the duties of a resource teacher, all while working with Title 1.

Additionally, the West Central School Board approved the hiring of 14 head and assistant coaches for the 2017-2018 school year.

Michael Holle- Assistant Football coach

Ross Davis- Assistant Football coach

Kelly Dickensheets- Varsity Volleyball coach

Shannon Fritz- Middle School Volleyball coach

Rebekah Erb- High School Cross Country coach

Jeremy Glasford- Assistant Cross Country coach/ Middle School Cross Country coach/ Assistant Boys Basketball coach

Kenny Nielsen- Varsity and Middle School Head Wrestling coach

Jason Wall- Assistant Varsity Wrestling coach

Tyson Mellon- JV Girls Basketball coach

Marlana Lewark- Assistant Girls Basketball coach

David Allen- Varsity Baseball coach

Ralph Sharpe- Assistant Varsity Baseball coach

Shelby Powell- Assistant Varsity Softball coach

Kelsey Erb- Varsity Cheerleading Coach