The Pulaski County Farmers’ Market wants a more visible location in Downtown Winamac.
Market Manager Krysten Hinkle told the the county commissioners Monday that the farmers’ market currently sets up at the Winamac Train Depot on the first, third, and fifth Saturdays. “We’ve had a lot of pressure from our vendors and our board agrees that they’d like to move it closer to the highway, just for sales,” she explained. “We’re going to request permission to use the sidewalks around the courthouse, specifically the north sidewalk. We have to talk to the town about it as well, but for anybody that has a tent, we would probably need, because of the width of the tent, to block off parking spaces in front of the sidewalk, as needed.”
She added that setup begins at 7:00 a.m., and everything is cleaned up by 1:00 p.m. The commissioners gave the farmers’ market permission to use the sidewalk, pending the Town of Winamac’s permission to use the parking spaces.
The Pulaski County Farmers’ Market operates from June to October. On Saturdays when it’s not in Winamac, the market sets up in the Agrisol Equipment parking lot in Francesville.
Also during Monday’s meeting, the commissioners asked for volunteers to fill an opening on the Star City Sewer Board. Interested residents should contact the Pulaski County Auditor’s Office.