A decision on a confined animal feeding operation in rural Pulaski County may come as soon as Monday. Back in May, the Pulaski County Advisory Plan Commission recommended that the property at 300 South and 700 West be rezoned from General Agriculture to Intensive Agriculture. That would allow for the construction of four wean-to-finish pig production buildings.
However, the Pulaski County Commissioners haven’t acted on the recommendation yet. They said they wanted to wait until all three commissioners could be present. Commissioner Bud Krohn Jr. has been absent since February.
Now, the commissioners have announced they plan to consider the zoning change during their regular meeting Monday. It starts at 6:00 p.m. EDT at the Pulaski County Courthouse.
If the commissioners fail to make a decision by the end of the month, the rezoning would automatically proceed, as recommended by the plan commission.