A program implemented this school year allows 7th and 8th grade students at North Judson-San Pierre more time to study the subjects of language-arts and math. The 7th and 8th Grade Academy is approximately 70 minutes of Math and 70 minutes of English class daily. The students sit through the length of a regular class session and then an additional 20-25 minutes is allotted for teachers to engage with students in more detail.
Junior/Senior High School Principal Jim Polite said eager faculty members have been working diligently to ensure the extra time is used in the best possible way.
“There’s been a lot of positive collaboration that’s occurred between the staff members.” Polite said, “Over the summer, on their own, they took the initiative to attend workshops together and things of that nature and I really feel like that’s going to help us move in a positive direction as we go forward”
Students attend classes based on their personal ability. Remedial classes focus on specifically helping students in areas where they may be struggling. Honors classes use the extra time for class discussion and various activities they wouldn’t have time for during a regular class session. Polite said this initiative was developed to help middle school students be prepared for what’s to come in high school classes. Teachers, students and parents have all responded positively to the 7th and 8th Grade Academy.