Starke County Officials to Discuss Bass Lake Beach House Patio Improvements with Lessee’s Attorney

Discussions on proposed upgrades to the Bass Lake Beach are expected to continue later this month. The Starke County Park Board is calling on the operator of the facility, Callahan Development, LLC, to stabilize the seawall surrounding the beach house patio.

It needs to be refilled with sand to protect the facility from a potential collapse, according to a group of local residents and park board members who’ve been researching the site. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources has also suggested installing glacial stone around the seawall, to protect it from incoming waves and also help prevent sand erosion.

As for who should pay for the work, park board members say it’s Callahan’s responsibility, since it appears to be considered maintenance. But whether Callahan agrees with that assessment remains to be seen.

To help resolve the issue, Starke County Attorney Marty Lucas and park board member Rosemary Rose plan to meet with Callahan’s attorney later this month. Lucas is also gathering the architectural drawings for the planned improvements, to give Callahan’s attorney a chance to look at them before that meeting.