Knox School Board members received an enrollment update when they met Tuesday night. Superintendent Dr. William Reichhart reported that the official enrollment count is down 11 students from last spring’s report. The number is currently 1843.37.
A student enrollment report that has .37 may sound strange, but Reichhart explained why that number is included in the enrollment count. He said, “We have a couple of students who are only attending for a period a day and they are home schooled for the rest of the time so that is the percentage of time they are with us in our classes.”
State funding of more than $6,000 is provided for each enrolled student. Reichhart also mentioned that cash transfer tuition students, the kids who live outside of the district but attend Knox Schools, is at 200 which is up from 179 in the 2016-17 school year. Reichhart said that due to the amount of cash-transfer students this year, the corporation was able to avoid reducing staff or having to implement any major budget cuts.