Oregon-Davis Receives Title IV Grant to Boost STEM Education

Oregon-Davis Schools’ STEM education efforts are getting a boost, thanks to a grant for $51,500. That’s according to Superintendent Dr. Don Harman. “We were one of 82 school districts in the State of Indiana that received a Title IV grant from the state,” says Superintendent Dr. Don Harman, “which will be utilized for professional development to increase our teachers’ instructional capacity in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.”

At the same time, Oregon-Davis students will also benefit from the generosity of some local community members. “We did have a donation of $500 from Farm Bureau, Inc.,” Harman says, “that donated $500 to our elementary school. That will be used to take our third-graders to Fair Oaks for a field trip.”

Harman adds that Oregon-Davis also got a monetary donation from Joe and Nancy Edwards. It will be used to buy material and equipment for the school’s woodshop. Both donations were accepted by the school board last week.

Board members have also decided to move their December meeting up a week. It will now be held on Monday, December 11 at 6:30 p.m. at the Oregon-Davis Administration Building.