Several Eastern Pulaski school employees will be getting a raise. The school board approved a compensation plan Monday for employees not covered under the collective bargaining agreement.
Superintendent Dan Foster said it consists of two main components. The first is a three-day stipend. “I had seen some other schools do this, and they claimed it worked very well,” he said. “And it basically takes an employee’s daily rate, whatever they are, and then times three, and that’s their stipend.”
On top of that, Foster said staff members will see an increase in their base pay of about three percent, depending on their experience level.
However, some specific positions will get an extra boost. Foster said extracurricular secretaries will get a raise of 10 cents per hour, while bus drivers’ daily rate will increase from $74 to $80.
Also included in the compensation plan is a new pay structure for substitute teachers. “All substitute teachers would receive $65 a day for days one through 20, in any position,” Foster explained. “So it doesn’t matter if they subbed in third grade or sixth grade or eighth grade or whatever, 20 days across the board, and it does not have to be continuous. Day 21, thereafter, they would raise to $80.”
Foster said it also has a provision for substitute teachers in continuous assignments to get $100 per day. “For either a licensed teacher or a sub teacher, once they’re out of that continuous position in that school year, it would revert back to the $80 a day. And then the days reset at the beginning of a school year. So they start again next August with their first day of subbing and it builds up.”
The compensation plan was approved by the school board Monday, after board members approved a master contract with employees in the Eastern Pulaski Teachers Association.