This Friday, Senator Joe Donnelly will hold a farm bill listening session beginning in Cana Hall on the Ancilla College campus.
Senator Donnelly is a member of the US Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. The current farm bill is scheduled to expire next year so Donnelly is seeking public input about agricultural matters, specifically farm policy issues that are integral to consider when the new farm bill is being written.
Cana Hall is located at 9601 Union Road in Plymouth. Members of the public are encouraged to attend and share their thoughts, especially current farmers and young people interested in pursuing a future in agriculture.
To anyone looking to familiarize themselves with the farm bill before tomorrow’s event, check out the brief summary of each title included in the current legislation below:
- Title I, Commodity Programs: Provides support for major commodity crops, including wheat, corn, soybeans, peanuts, rice, dairy, and sugar, as well as disaster assistance.
- Title II, Conservation: Encourages environmental stewardship of farmlands and improved management through land retirement and/or working lands programs.
- Title III, Trade: Provides support for U.S. agricultural export programs and international food assistance programs.
- Title IV, Nutrition: Provides nutrition assistance for low income households through programs including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
- Title V, Credit: Offers direct government loans to farmers and ranchers and guarantees on private lenders’ loans.
- Title VI, Rural Development: Supports rural business and community development programs.
- Title VII, Research, Extension, and Related Matters: Offers various agricultural research and extension programs.
- Title VIII, Forestry: Supports forestry management programs run by USDA’s Forest Service.
- Title IX, Energy: Encourages the development of farm and community renewable energy systems through various programs, including grants and loan guarantees.
- Title X, Horticulture: Supports the production of specialty crops—fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, and floriculture and ornamental products—through a range of initiatives.
- Title XI, Crop Insurance: Enhances coverage of the permanently authorized federal crop insurance program.
- Title XII, Miscellaneous: Covers other types of programs and assistance, including livestock and poultry