City of Knox Recycling Pick-up Begins Wednesday

Recycling pick-up for the City of Knox will commence next week on Wednesday, January 10th. It will be carried out on Wednesdays every other week for the remainder of the year. During weeks where there is a holiday, the pick-up will be postponed one day.

People should place the recycling receptacle on the curb no later than 6 a.m. with the handle facing away from the road. Also be sure to have the bin more than 3 feet away from your mailbox, vehicles or other items. Once the collection has been completed, remove your bin by the end of the day.

Any citizen who receives trash pick-up through the city has a special recycling bin with a yellow lid assigned to them. City officials have contacted Waste Management Services and are waiting on extras to be provided for community members who are currently without.

Citizens should keep in mind that containers that held food should be rinsed until no food debris or liquid remains. Also avoid placing items into plastic bags. Mayor Dennis Estok said put them directly into your recycling bin instead, as it makes it easier for the items to be sorted.

Listed below are items that should be recycled, as well as ones that you should never put in your mixed recycling bin.

Always recycle:
-plastic bottles & containers
-food and beverage cans
-flattened cardboard and paperboard boxes
-food and beverage cartons
-glass bottle and containers

Never include:
-food waste
-plastic bags or film
-foam cups and containers
-needles or other medical waste

For more information, visit the City of Knox website or click here.