Starke County Election Board Approves Resolution for Oregon-Davis Referendum

The Oregon-Davis school referendum is moving ahead. The Starke County Election Board passed a resolution Wednesday allowing the question to be placed on the ballot, according to County Clerk Vicki Cooley. “We have back a packet, and it has the wording for the Oregon-Davis School Corporation to be put on the ballot for a referendum,” she explains. “That will be for the election May 8. And we have to follow word-for-word, comma, everything that the state has approved, when it goes on the ballot.”

If approved, the measure would add a property tax of up to 29 cents per $100 of assessed valuation for an eight-year period. It would replace a 19-cent tax that’s set to expire in 2019. The revenue generated by the tax would go toward educational and operational expenses, like teacher salaries.

During the election board’s annual reorganization Wednesday, Cooley says Harrison Fields was chosen to replace Peg Brettin as board president.