Starke County Park Board to Continue Discussing Plans for Bass Lake Beach and Campground

The future of the Bass Lake Beach and Campground will continue to be discussed during tonight’s Starke County Park Board meeting. The operator of the facility, Callahan Development, LLC, plans to keep leasing it from the county through April of 2028. But the company said it may be willing to give the beach itself back to the county, while it would continue to run the more profitable campground and pier slots.

For the past few months, the Starke County Park Board has been trying to come up with ideas for how such an arrangement might work. In December, board members considered asking for public input on the idea of separate entities operating the beach house, food service, or the beach itself. That discussion is expected to continue when the park board meets tonight at 6:00.

In other business tonight, the Starke County Park Board will choose its 2018 officers. Board members are also scheduled to get an update on the Starke County Forest.

The Starke County Park Board will meet in Starke County Annex Building No. 1.