Pulaski County Election Board Acknowledges Change in Medaryville Election Cycle

Medaryville’s decision to change its town election cycle was officially acknowledged by the Pulaski County Election Board Tuesday.

County Clerk Christi Hoffa said town officials will still be up for election next year, as the transition takes place. “Their district town council members and the town clerk-treasurer who are elected in the 2019 election will hold office for one year,” she explained. “And then, for purposes of 2020 and every election thereafter, they will hold office for four years, so that puts them on the election cycle. So there is still the possibility that they will have to pay for an election in 2019.”

Board member Laura Bailey noted that town elections have proven to be expensive for Medaryville in the past.

Hoffa said the town’s ordinance enacting the change had been submitted to the county. She didn’t ask for any action from the rest of the election board, but just wanted to publicly acknowledge that the ordinance had been received.