Culver Town Council to Consider Rezoning for Culver Meadows Development

culver town hall

The Culver Town Council will consider the next step for the proposed Culver Meadows development. It would consist of about 25 single family homes and townhouses, as well as a new gas station in the area of State Road 10 and State Road 17. During tonight’s meeting, council members will consider an ordinance on second and third reading to rezone the property to a Planned Unit Development.

In other business, council members will consider resolutions related to the Cavalier Sports Park and the Culver Beach Lodge renovations. Both projects are part of Culver’s Stellar Communities plan, and the town is formally applying for funding from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs. A general update on the Stellar Plan will also be given to council members tonight.

Tonight’s Culver Town Council meeting starts at 6:30 EDT at Culver Town Hall.