North Judson residents who wish to participate in the annual town wide yard sale need to sign up as soon as possible! The event will be held, rain or shine, on Saturday, August 4th from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m.
To participate a permit must be received from Town Hall, located at 310 Lane Street. In order to appear on this year’s map, individuals need to be signed up by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, July 31st.
There will be no exceptions to the deadline. Residents are encouraged to bring a list of their top five ‘hot ticket’ items so those can be included on the map.
As they do every year, Town Council members voted to reduce the cost of a yard sale permit from $10 to $5 for the event. Permits can still be acquired after Tuesday, however, the residence will not be listed on the map. Maps will be available at various local businesses, as well as Town Hall.
Town officials noted that the town wide yard sale is not limited to home-owners only; church groups and other non-profit organizations are encouraged to set up in Norwayne Field to sell food to shoppers and businesses are urged to conduct side-walk sales in conjunction with the event.
Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe and Billing-Clerk Jennifer Vanek said they’re hoping more people come to Town Hall before next Saturday since not many permits have been issued so far. If you have any questions, contact the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office at 574-896-3340.