The 2019 budget will be discussed when the Winamac Town Council meets for a special session at 5:30 p.m. ET prior to their regular meeting tonight.
During their regular session, which is scheduled to commence at 6 p.m., the council will consider a supplement to the code of ordinances.
Members are also anticipated to receive information about a purchase/procurement card, also known as “p-card”. The Government Finance Officers Association describes a p-card as an alternative to the traditional purchasing process which can be used with any vendor that accepts credit cards whenever a purchase order, check request or petty cash would have been processed.
While discussing old business, members will revisit the golf cart ordinance. Reports will be delivered by the Town Manager, the Clerk-Treasurer and the department superintendents. Council members will present any additional business deemed necessary and there will be time set aside for public input.
The meeting will be held in the Winamac Utility’s Complex at 623 West 11th Street.