A quote for a wellhead protection plan was presented to Winamac Town Council members when they met on Monday.
Water Department Superintendent Jeremy Beckner told members that the quote was from Peerless Midwest and it was for $26,250.
He explained that a wellhead protection plan is something that the Indiana Department of Environmental Management requires. He added that the plan needs to be in place before the new wells can be put into service.
IDEM representatives describe wellhead protection as a strategy that helps prevent water drinking supplies from being exposed to pollution. Beckner mentioned that this process is done in two phases. Phase one is what Peerless Midwest would be responsible for.
According to IDEM, phase one involves determining the wellhead protection area (WHPA) as well as identifying potential sources of contamination and creating management and contingency plans for the WHPA. Beckner said new delineation maps will be provided to help guide phase two.
Phase two is implementation and Superintendent Beckner said that would be handled by the local water department staff.
After discussing the necessity and establishing that the funds will come from the water department’s budget, the council members approved the payment unanimously