Pulaski County Candidates Who Filed Late Financial Reports Have a Chance to Appeal Their Fine

Pulaski County candidates who filed their financial reports after the deadline will have a chance to appeal their fine next month.

State statute stipulates that candidates had to have their campaign finance reports turned into the county clerk’s office by noon on October 19th. Candidates who filed late are charged $50 a day starting at 12:01 p.m. They can be charged a maximum of $1,000.

Former candidates who have not disbanded their committees are still required to file fall financial reports, according to the state law. Additionally, each political central party must file a report just like an individual candidate.

Pulaski County Election Board officials indicated that late filers included the Democrat Central Committee, Pulaski County Coroner John Behny, former Pulaski County Circuit Court Candidate Tim Murray and former county council candidate Doug Roth.

Officials report that Behny, Murray and the Democrat Central Committee filed their reports on October 19th after the noon deadline so only a $50 fine was assessed. As of Tuesday afternoon, Roth’s paperwork still hadn’t been filed in the clerk’s office.

Late filers will have a chance to pay their fine or appeal the charge at 6 p.m. ET on Tuesday, November 13th at the Pulaski County Court House. Pulaski County Election Board members will consider testimony from each of the candidates and then determine whether to apply, waive or reduce the fine on a case by case basis.