Multiple ordinances will come before Winamac Town Council members when they meet tonight at 6 p.m. ET.
Members will consider an ordinance permitting adjustments to the water and sewer bills due to undetected water leaks, one that would establish a policy and procedure for declaring bad debt uncollectable and another ordinance approving credit adjustments due to clerical or read errors.
Chief of the Winamac Volunteer Fire Department Bill Weaver will deliver an update to the council and they’ll hear reports from all other town superintendents. Town Manager Brad Zellers and Clerk-Treasurer Melanie Berger will inform the council members of any other relevant business that needs to be brought to their attention.
Council members will have a chance to discuss any other business deemed necessary and residents can weigh in on matters during citizen’s input.
The meeting will be held in the Winamac Utilities Complex at 623 West 11th Street.