The dates for two summer-time concerts were confirmed by Culver Town Council members when they met for their final meeting of the year.
Town Manager Jonathan Leist noted that he’s been coordinating with Park Superintendent Amber Cowell about concerts that they’re looking to host at the park when the warm weather returns and said they had come up with a few dates for the council to consider.
The two proposed dates were Friday, May 24thand Saturday, June 29th. Superintendent Cowell noted that they’re still looking for performers for the May date but they already booked the Kevin McDaniels Band for June’s concert.
In addition to seeking approval of the dates, Leist asked the council members to permit the sale of alcohol for those specific concerts. He noted that their decision on the matter would only be related to these events and would be separate from the overall policy discussion they’ve been having about allowing alcohol consumption with town building rentals.
Cowell added that, like with past events, the area with alcohol would be confined and gated off from the rest of the festivities.
Councilman Rich West asked Police Chief Wayne Bean how he felt about the possibility of allowing alcohol on at those concerts.
Chief Bean said he was okay with it as long as the vendors received the necessary permits and has them authorized by him. He also noted that he’d like some additional details, such as where exactly the alcohol sales would be taking place and if additional security will be necessary, prior to the event.
Members approved the two dates and permitted the sale of alcohol at these events, under the condition that Police Chief Bean is consulted ahead of time and signs off on it.