Winamac Pool Committee members will be meeting with the Town Council tonight to discuss the future of a proposed pool renovation project.
The Winamac Pool Committee has been actively gathering funds and community support for this potential project since 2014.
Last summer, Town council members passed a motion, pulling all support for the project until there is more evidence that there are enough funds to cover the cost of construction and long-term maintenance.
Pool Committee Founder Judy Heater said the purpose of tonight’s meeting will be to seek their support once again. She said they’ll discuss the funds that have been raised so far and present council members with figures associated with project costs
Heater noted that not only will the town’s backing allow the committee to apply for grants but it will assure potential donors that their funds will be spent on the pool project.
She said while they’ve still been receiving some money through fundraisers, contributions have been at a bit stand still since the town pulled their support because committee members don’t feel comfortable seeking donations from people while project isn’t officially backed.
Tonight’s meeting will be held at 6 p.m. ET in the Winamac Utilities Complex.