Knox Board of Works members received an update about the property on 1&3 N Main Street when they met last week.
According to Director of Building and Code Compliance Kenny Pfost, as of his last inspection, there was still furniture in the alleyway between the building and the structure to the west. He noted that a portion of the windows facing Main Street were put in but there’s more glass on the front that still needs to be installed.
Other than a part of the glass going in, Pfost said he hasn’t noticed much other progress at the property owned by Pete Milev.
When discussing what next steps to take, board member Steve Dodge noted that they need to revisit their first small claim and take some action there.
Dodge explained, “I talked to our attorney about renewing our small claim that we filed last year and apparently we have not, on the record, made a motion to have her actually file it and get it set for a hearing.”
Doge made a motion to have City Attorney Autumn Ferch proceed with that action and added another part to the motion.
He noted, “I would also like to make a motion to have her file a new small claim for the amount of the violation from the last small claim to the present time.”
Dodge indicated that the new claim amount would be determined by the city’s existing statute that regulates this type of violation. His two-part motion was supported by fellow member Jim Collins and it was passed.