The Knox School Board took another step forward with a potential building project Monday. Board members authorized the publication of notice of the official public hearings set to take place next month. They’re a required step, in order for the school corporation to secure financing for the project.
Current plans call for the demolition of the Palmer Wing, and the construction of a new addition extending south from the newer portion of the elementary school. The high school would get a couple additions on its north side to house vocational programs and a multipurpose room. Meanwhile, the corporation office and Redskin Academy would move to the middle school.
Superintendent Dr. William Reichhart told board members that a public informational meeting was held last week. “The meeting was attended by a total of 28 people, and they asked some very good questions during the presentation and at the end, and I believe that there was consent among the group that this was the right thing to be doing,” he said.
Reichhart added that community members feel that their concerns are being addressed. “I think what I’ve heard is that everyone has liked the idea that we’ve asked for the input from the community, we’ve listened to the community, and nothing is in stone at this point, that we are willing to take a look at if we need to move something over here to over here, we’re still in that process of being able to do that.”
For those who missed last week’s informational meeting, another one will be held next Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room in the Knox Elementary School Palmer Wing. Those attending are asked to use Door 9. Information can also be found on the facility task force’s blog at KnoxSchoolsMP.blogspot.com.
The two legally-required preliminary determination hearings will be held during the school board’s regular meetings on Tuesday, May 7 and Monday, May 20.