Hamlet Police Department Receives Donations for Police Vests, Community Outreach Efforts

The Hamlet Police Department received funding for police vests and community outreach efforts, thanks to the generosity of the local community. Town Marshal Clint Norem told the town council Wednesday that the Knox VFW donated $1,800 for vests, on top of the funding that was authorized by the council.

“So that allowed us to purchase three brand new vests for officers,” Norem said. “We’re waiting for their delivery on those. It also allowed us to order vests that are going to be a little bit more comfortable for the guys. They’re more flexible and stuff.”

Norem added that kids taking part in the Davis Wesleyan Church Vacation Bible School raised funds for the department, as well. “I was really impressed,” he said. “I mean, for the number of kids and stuff and for their idea of doing this, they were able to give us $160, with the hopes that it would be used towards something with children.” The town council then decided to match that with another $160.

Norem said he’s looking at buying small backpacks that say “cops and community” that kids can decorate. He added that the police department is also working on a few other outreach efforts, including handing out coloring books to local schoolchildren. Officers have also been buying stuffed animals to give to kids, especially those who’ve been in violent situations.