More than $1,000 was recently raised for the Winamac Middle School Athletic Department in memory of Owen Abbott. Superintendent Dan Foster says the donation was officially accepted by the Eastern Pulaski School Board last week.
“Mrs. Britni Fritz and her family and friends had a benefit ride back in late May in honor of her son Owen, who, tragically, was the student we lost in the accident in December,” Foster explains. “And so they raised $1,080 from that ride, and they donated that to the Middle School Athletic Department.”
Foster says the school board also approved an anonymous donation for some extra upgrades to a scoreboard at the football field. “We had a football scoreboard that was damaged in a windstorm a couple weeks ago and insurance was going to pay x number of dollars, and we had talked about maybe looking at some upgrades and some things like that,” he explains. “And so we had an anonymous donation from a community member that says, ‘I want to cover those upgrades for you.'”
Foster says the school corporation appreciates those generous donations.