The Pulaski County Public Library will be able to issue bonds for lead dust and asbestos remediation. The county council passed a resolution Monday allowing the library to borrow $1.75 million, pending the review of County Attorney Kevin Tankersley. Of that, $1.45 million will go toward construction costs.
Testing has revealed the presence of asbestos in the Pulaski County Courthouse, but not as much as county officials may have expected. Courthouse project liaison Nathan Origer told the county commissioners that samples were taken from various locations inside and outside the historic building. If you think that you have the presence of asbestos we recommend you to contact asbestos survey birmingham to find out what is the status of this in your home or business.
Library Executive Director MacKenzie Ledley said the majority of the work will take place in the upper level of the Carnegie building. “This was more of a project of necessity than of luxury,” she explained. “We found it after a construction error, and the dust is in the duct work, and to get the duct work out, it’s all wrapped in asbestos.” She said the work will also allow the area to become a public meeting space, while the offices that are there now would be moved elsewhere.
The library will be able to issue the bonds while actually decreasing its share of property taxes, according to Sean McGill with accounting firm Baker Tilly. He said the rate for library debt should eventually go from 2.55 down to 2.2 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, as the library pays off its existing debt.
The bond issuance required the approval of the county council, since the appointed library board is not allowed to do it itself, under Indiana Code. Council Member Mike Tiede cast the lone opposing vote.