The deadline to have repair work at the Starke County Republican Headquarters building complete will be coming up at the end of this month.
When the Knox Board of Works met last Wednesday, Director of Building and Code Compliance Kenny Pfost was asked to provide for an update about the structure located at 13 N. Main Street.
Director Pfost said he saw the water department near the building recently but was unsure whether the work they were conducting was related to the building. Other than that he said he was unaware of any work that’s been completed.
He noted that there has been no additional contact from the individuals who were issued the order to repair.
He told members, “I sent it to them, all five – well one is the business itself – but all four people, I haven’t heard from any of them.”
Pfost mentioned that he was initially able to make contact with Republican Don White who informed him about the plans to make repairs.
Knox Mayor Dennis Estok asked for a reminder about the deadline that was provided and Pfost stated that they were given 120 days from when the order was issued due to the amount of work that was needed.
Pfost explained, “With the chimney leaning and everything and what Don White said they wanted to do, they wanted to take all the back of the building off, I knew it would be an extensive project.” Mayor Estok asked, “So you gave them that long to complete it?” Pfost stated that was correct.
Pfost was asked to get back in touch with White to see where they are with the repair process and he confirmed that he would follow up.