The Winamac Town Council considered an ordinance which would amend the rules and regulations for the Town Cemetery when members met for their August meeting.
The amendments included in the ordinance came at the request of the Cemetery Committee and were initially discussed with the council members at a meeting back in May.
The ordinance, which was passed with unanimous council approval, officially recognizes the name of the newest section of the cemetery as the “McFarland Addition”, in memory of the late Town Council President Kenneth McFarland.
It also states that every grave plot located within the cemetery shall cost $400 and the grave maintenance fee will be $200.
It is noted that the maintenance fee must be paid at the time of burial and will be utilized for the care and maintenance of the cemetery.
Other rules in the ordinance include that the new 9-1-1 address for the Town Cemetery shall be 414 50 West and that the Winamac Cemetery Sexton is vested with the authority to draft and implement a new job description for the cemetery agent, also known as the town gravedigger, for the purpose of entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with the future cemetery agent.
The ordinance went into effect, immediately following its passage.
*AUTHOR’S NOTE: An earlier version of this article stated that the maintenance fee had to be paid at the time a plot was purchased but that was outdated information. The correct details appear in the article above.