Winamac officials were recently presented with the finalized figures related to their water system improvement project.
The project was broken up into two divisions. KDM Services was responsible for division A which dealt with the construction of new production wells and well houses.
According to the pay application submitted for council approval, the amount that is still due to KDM totals $147,286.50. Of that amount, $115,018 will be paid and $32,268.50 is being held in retainage for the time being.
Division B primarily dealt with the raw water transmission main and was handled by H&G Underground. The total amount still due to that company is $99,524.75. There is $34,077.75 that is being held in retainage and $65,447 that will be paid up front.
Some of this information was discussed with the Winamac Town Council Monday afternoon and an updated packet with all the finalized details was presented later in the week.
Project officials are currently coordinating with the Office of Community and Rural Affairs to have funds released to go toward this project.