The North Judson-San Pierre School Board held a hearing over the adoption of their capital Projects and bus replacement plans when members met last week.
School Treasurer Guy Richie provided some information about the plans, (see the page here about the various kinds of plans) noting that they’re both quite similar to what was in place for 2019.
He said the bus replacement plan calls for three buses to be replaced and the capital projects plan includes expenses related to technology, furniture, equipment, electric, gas, and insurance.
No public comments were made during the hearing so it was adjourned. Members went on to provide their approval for the adoption of both plans.
In addition to those plans, members were presented with a budget reduction resolution which would give Treasurer Richie and Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin the authority to make adjustments to the advertised budget amount if it needs to be reduced. That resolution also received unanimous board approval.
The board was also asked to consider a resolution that would permit money to be transferred from the Education Fund into the Operation Fund.
Treasurer Richie noted that there is a new requirement related to this resolution that he wanted the members to be aware of.
He shared, “The only thing this year is they put a new rule into effect that you’re not to transfer more than 15 percent of your budget so I have it set up to where it’s $1 million that we can go up to so our plan is we are not going to go over that amount.”
That resolution was adopted without any opposition.
According to information submitted to the Indiana Gateway for Governmental Units, the School Corporation’s budget estimate totals $12,689,622.
Since the NJ-SP school board is appointed, the final say on the budget is up to county officials. It was presented to the County Council in a hearing on Monday, September 16th and will be up for adoption on Monday, September 30th.