Local students will have a chance to ‘Tune into their Futures’ when the Starke County Economic Development Foundation hosts their annual Manufacturers Day next week.
On Thursday, October 10th the Foundation will host approximately 350 seventh grade students from the Knox, Oregon-Davis, North Judson-San Pierre, and Culver School Corporations.
Seventh grade was chosen as the best age group to present the program to since what they learn can be utilized the following year when they start preparing their high school graduation pathways.
With knowledge of what is at stake, officials hope that students will properly prepare for their future, whether that includes college, a vocational program or going straight into the workforce the goal of this program is to equip kids with the knowledge they need to start making that decision.
Many area industries will take part in the event including ACPI Corporation, Callisons, Knox Fertilizer Company, Kruz Inc, MPI, Norton Packaging, Outstanding Tradeshow Exhibit Services, Traffic Control Specialists, Toll Integrated Systems, and others, as well as the Starke County Initiative for Life Long Learning (SCILL).
Students will have the chance to learn what each company manufactures, who they sell their products to and for what use, what types of jobs are available in the company, and most importantly, what job skills and education are required to secure employment.
At the conclusion of the tour, students will receive a “goodie bag” that includes items for them to take home that are based on the theme in addition to a brochure highlighting SCILL and each of the industries they visited with and a crossword puzzle for the students to complete related to their visit.
According to officials, this event is now in its seventh year and has proven to be well-received by all who have participated.
The Foundation uses this, in part, as a way to answer the industry’s cries for help in finding workers with proper job skills while at the same time showing students the opportunities that are available to them in their home community if they have the skills employers need.
In addition to providing an opportunity for students, the SCEDF will be co-hosting a job fair with WorkOne on Wednesday, October 9th.
The event will be held in the Knox Middle School auxiliary gymnasium and will run from 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. All job seekers are encouraged to attend.
If you have any questions, contact the SCEDF at 574-772-5627.