A bench trial over the property located at 1&3 N. Main Street that was scheduled for this week was discussed by the Knox Board of Works when members met last Wednesday.
City Attorney Autumn Ferch explained that the property owner requested some additional time to complete the necessary work to bring the structure into compliance. She noted that would require them to reschedule the trial.
Director of Building and Code Compliance Kenny Pfost indicated that significant progress has been made thus far and that he’s been in contact with the property owner. He noted that a lot of the structural issues have been addressed and most of the remaining work that needs to be done has to do with its appearance.
Board member Steve Dodge stressed that tuckpointing still needs to be done in the back and stated he was concerned that bricks could fall off if it’s not addressed soon.
Pfost said that in order to get that work done, the property owner will need to utilize something other than the current lift he has because it won’t be able to fit between the buildings.
Mayor Dennis Estok asked if the owner is following Director Pfost’s guidelines and he confirmed that he is.
Board members Jim Collins provided some feedback about the matter.
He commented, “At the beginning he drug his feet for so long and now he’s doing what he was supposed to do a year or so ago so I mean at least he’s attempting and doing the work now so I’m okay with continuing and extending because he’s doing what we all want anyway which is to get it completed.”
Other members were in agreement, however, it was noted that the weather in the upcoming months will have an impact on the amount of work that can be done. Members voted to reschedule the trial for April.