Pulaski County Sheriff Jeff Richwine is commending two of his deputies for their lifesaving actions over the weekend. He told the county commissioners Monday that Deputies Seth Barton and Branson Eber were the first on the scene of an overdose.
“I’m telling you, when you first walked into this house, you were looking at a dead woman, and within four minutes, five minutes, they’ve got her breathing again and they take her to the hospital,” Richwine said. “This Narcan stuff is absolutely amazing. I’m telling you, the person wasn’t breathing. You’re looking at her, and she’s dead. And 30 minutes later, she’s sitting in a hospital bed talking to you like we’re sitting here talking now.” Richwine said the deputies performed CPR and ended up giving the woman three doses of Narcan.
The sheriff said that what struck him when watching the body camera footage wasn’t how unusual the deputies’ actions were but how routine they appeared. “They’re not the only deputies, and it’s not the first time it’s been done,” Richwine told the commissioners. “But it just kind of shocked me that I had watched that and thought I shouldn’t be looking at something like that thinking that’s a routine thing.”
Richwine has repeatedly said that he thinks Pulaski County is seeing one of the worst drug epidemics it’s ever experienced.