Knox Police Chief Discusses Hiring Process with Board of Works Members

The Knox City Police Department is currently accepting applications for a new full-time officer.

Knox City Police Chief Harold Smith informed Board of Works members that the individual they hire will be filling an opening left by Officer Chris Kisela who now works as North Judson-San Pierre’s School Resource Officer. He also noted that, as of the BOW meeting on Wednesday, January 22nd, five applications had been turned in and how to do a free background check online to make sure they are clean.

In order to qualify, applicants must be a resident of the United States who is 21 to 35-years-old and they should hold a valid Indiana driver’s license. They also must be willing to be interviewed.

Additionally, a high school diploma or equivalent is required and the person has to be able to pass a thorough background investigation. Individuals should also have no illegal use of any type of drugs for two years prior to applying and shouldn’t be convicted of domestic battery or a felony charge.

A dishonorable discharge from the military will disqualify the applicant.

Applications will be accepted until 4 p.m. on Friday, January 31st. They can be picked up from Knox City Hall or contact Chief Smith at in order to have one emailed over.

Applications can be dropped off at Knox City Hall or mailed to the Knox Police Department at 101 W. Washington Street.

Additional information about the position can be found here.