The Town of North Judson is seeking bids for cemetery mowing. The town council last week agreed to keep the specifications the same as last year’s. Bids are due by Friday, April 3 at the close of business, and council members will open them the following Monday.
Council President John Rowe added that council members should also make a decision at that time, if possible. “We can’t wait until the 20th because that’s what we’ve been doing,” he said. “That’s what the problem is. We’ve been waiting two weeks after we open the bids to decide who we’re going to take, and then we run into problems.”
If, for some reason, council members aren’t ready to choose a bid on the same night they’re opened, Rowe said a special meeting will have to be held. He stressed the importance of having the paperwork finalized and the contractor ready to go by the middle of April.