Oregon-Davis High School will offer new food science and interior design courses next school year. The school board last week approved the addition of four classes to the Course Description Guide, according to Superintendent Dr. Don Harman.
“The four classes were Advanced Life Science: Foods, Biochemistry: Foods, Housing and Interior Design Careers I, and Housing and Interior Design Careers II,” he explains.
Harman says board members also took action to expand the availability of digital learning, by approving a new agreement with Apex. “For the last three years, we’ve had 25 seats, and we’ve actually got more students using that,” he says. “So we just signed an agreement for three more years, and that will be for 50 seats. That’s been a very successful platform for us to use for students online.”
Harman says the Apex agreement will cost the school corporation about $5,500 a year, but that will be covered through grant funding. Students can use the Apex Learning system for credit recovery or to take classes that don’t fit into their schedule or aren’t offered in person at Oregon-Davis.