N.J.-S.P. School Board Submits $13 Million Budget Proposal to County Council

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board is moving ahead with the budget process. Board members voted last week to submit the 2021 budget proposal to the Starke County Council. It calls for a total budget of more than $13 million, with an Education Fund of just over $6.9 million and an Operations Fund of over $3.9 million.

The school board also approved the posting of the proposed capital projects and bus replacement plans on the school corporation’s website. N.J.-S.P. plans to replace three buses a year over the next five years. The only capital project over $10,000 planned in the next three years is an estimated $80,000 in roof repairs.

The county council will hold a public hearing on the budget next Monday, with final approval scheduled for September 21. The county council’s approval is required, since the school board is appointed, not elected. Meanwhile, the budget-related documents that are up for the school’s board’s approval will be considered during the September 15 regular meeting.