Governor Holcomb Won’t Take Part in Trick-Or-Treating This Year

Governor Eric Holcomb and First Lady Janet Holcomb dressed as basketball players to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters in 2018, while First Dog Henry Holcomb was a basketball. (Governor’s Office photo)

As the decision of whether to move ahead with trick-or-treating is mostly being left up to individual residents, Governor Eric Holcomb will be among those not taking part. “In the interest of safety, unfortunately – I have mixed feelings about this – but we’re not going to host Halloween this year at the residence, so no trick-or-treating at the Governor’s Residence this year,” Holcomb said during his COVID-19 press conference Wednesday. “We’re going to try to make that up somehow, some way, creatively, in the future.”

Each year since taking office, the governor, First Lady Janet Holcomb, and First Dog Henry Holcomb have greeted trick-or-treaters while wearing coordinated costumes.

Governor Holcomb expressed his disappointment in missing this year’s event. “I already had my costume planned out,” he said. “If you watch Netflix and ‘Stranger Things,’ I thought that that was an appropriate series this year. It has some Indiana connections, and I even had the character picked out that I was going to go as.”

A reporter encouraged the governor to wear his costume during next week’s COVID-19 press conference. Locally, the Town of Winamac is the only community to cancel traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating altogether. Holcomb says he plans to donate the candy that they would’ve handed out to a worthy cause.